About Urbinden
Urbinden Design Lab is a collaborative of urban design, planning, and engineering industry leaders addressing contemporary urban issues with a holistic approach centered around the human experience of place. Our team is experienced in a wide range of projects including development master plans, city policy, development regulation, district planning, development scenario modeling, affordable housing development, and original research.
Listening and collaboration are central to our approach. We are inquisitive and rigorous, building a comprehensive project understanding from client expertise and technical analysis. We excel in leading multidisciplinary teams, managing high-profile projects, and engaging with communities, stakeholders, and elected officials. Leveraging our deep knowledge of design best practices and development dynamics, we strive to inspire our clients to think boldly about the future so that we can develop innovative solutions that realize desired outcomes
Kevin Howard
Kevin is a community planner and urban designer with an interdisciplinary professional and academic background. As a zoning expert, he has consulted on regulatory and planning initiatives across the country, managing complex and high-profile projects with wide-ranging government, industry, and community stakeholders. In his work, research, and advocacy, Kevin focuses on promoting equitable housing, human-oriented and resilient places, sustainability through land use and infrastructure systems, and the democratization of city building.
Fayez Kazi
Combining his expertise in engineering, development and leadership, Fayez works across all projects identifying unique opportunities and supporting innovation.
Tetyana Samiliv
Tetyana Samiliv is an Austin-based city planner and sustainability expert with a diverse background in climate justice, circular economies, and placemaking. Tetyana leverages her knowledge and experience of community engagement, spatial data analysis, zoning and land-use research, and the influence of urban design on pedestrian experience to address complex urban issues in Austin and in cities across the United States. Tetyana’s passion lies in creating dignified, safe communities where folks of all walks of life can feel good living.